Dragons and Pirates at Play
Pirates themed adventure mural
What a pleasure it was to turn up at the playground one morning and be invited to accompany super artist, Ruby Fox in painting this fabulous mural. With a lot of help from the children, of course!!
Aaarr! It’s Pirate Day!
Time for a new dragon
Three years donning the zip-wire platform at Pitsmoor Adventure Playground proved long enough for the dinosaur. A new figurehead was proposed. I was invited to take on this task, which I immediately accepted and handed over to the nearest child to design. 7 year old Damon came to see what I was doing as I lay the old dinosaur beside me. I explained the situation and ask if he’d help. He decided it was time for a dragon and he set about drawing this fine beast. Soon other children gathered round and over the next three days we painted our new mascot. What a fantastic dragon they brought to life!